Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lisa McBeth Cir 411

Multiple literacies in my personal life First and foremost, I read my Bible every morning. This is the most important literature to me because I like to put God first in my life. I try to apply what is written to my daily life and in the way I treat others in my life. I feel that the Bible inspires me to be a better person so I plan to keep the Bible as my primary literature source.

Since I am in college, textbooks are another literary source that is important in my life. I do have a difficult time staying focused on the readings because some of them are difficult to understand. I also read the local newspaper to keep up with events going on in the neighborhood and local school. I feel that I need to stay current on local events,especially in the schools, because I will be a teacher soon and I want to know what new policies will effect me in the near future.

I really enjoy reading Christian novels. They inspire and enlighten me. I like to share the readings with my daughter who dislikes reading. I hope that I will be a good model to her and eventually she will take on the enjoyment of reading.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    The Bible is also a very important piece of literature for me too; I do a Bible study every night. It is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE), and it is the word of God. It helps us to learn more about God and helps us build a relationship with Him. It teaches us how to walk upright before God and what we need to do in order to be saved. It will always be the most important book that I read.
    My textbooks for school are important too; it is hard for me to stay focused when I read them. Sometimes I find myself falling asleep when I am studying for my books. I enjoy reading the newspaper as well; I watch the news more than I read the newspaper though. It is important to stay up to date on current events and policies that affect the future of the education system as well as our country.
    I like reading books my Bishop Clifton Jones. Some of the titles of his books are “You need to Grow up”, “A Request for a Divine Inspection”, and The Prayer Manual.” These are just a few.
