Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lisa McBeth Cir 411

Multiple literacies in my personal life First and foremost, I read my Bible every morning. This is the most important literature to me because I like to put God first in my life. I try to apply what is written to my daily life and in the way I treat others in my life. I feel that the Bible inspires me to be a better person so I plan to keep the Bible as my primary literature source.

Since I am in college, textbooks are another literary source that is important in my life. I do have a difficult time staying focused on the readings because some of them are difficult to understand. I also read the local newspaper to keep up with events going on in the neighborhood and local school. I feel that I need to stay current on local events,especially in the schools, because I will be a teacher soon and I want to know what new policies will effect me in the near future.

I really enjoy reading Christian novels. They inspire and enlighten me. I like to share the readings with my daughter who dislikes reading. I hope that I will be a good model to her and eventually she will take on the enjoyment of reading.